Friday, August 7, 2009

more on Weight Loss

Okay, so I'm trying to lose weight.
I've written 'bout that before: click!

There's this formula for the calories required to maintain your current weight.
You consume more than this number and your weight goes North.
You consume less than this number and your weight goes South.

I figure it's worth providing some mathematical hand-waving to see what reduction in my daily calorie intake would lose, say, 10 pounds.

I did that here

Aaah, if'n I could only believe what it says.

A simpler (and less appealing) calculation goes like so:
A pound of body fat is worth 3500 calories.
Ten pounds of body fat is worth 35000 calories.
At 100 calories per day, it'd take 350 days.
That's close to a year.
Fat chance!


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