Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lithium (again)

A while ago I got all excited about Lithium (and even mentioned it here).

Though I invest for entertainment (rather than making a fortune), my lithium done good:

So my wife sells her lithium stock and ... uh
... I sell mine, too. (Am I henpecked?)
Now I'm sad and will probably buy back.
It's for health reasons (adrenaline production, coronary stimulation, etc.)



  1. Is that Behavioral Finance, like this? >>>

  2. Behavioral *Finance*, eh?
    Sounds familiar.

    I've finished Ariely's book.
    His point is that the things that influence our decisions (e.g. Buy/Sell/Hold) are irrational.

    That applies to everybuddy
    'cept me

  3. That's why I use Tea Leaves to make all of my decisions. The ancient Hebrew Priests used their Urim and Thummin. ;-D
