Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today we start making a list: what to bring on our upcoming cruise.

I look after the important things, like my pipe, tobacco and laptop.
Heidi looks after all the other, less important stuff.

Once upon a time I collected all the suggestions from various cruise discussion forums: Click!
Quite interesting.

Bring a laptop?
That's so's I can keep a diary, sorta like this.
With failing memory, I figure it'd be easier to store photos and videos and stick daily events into a diary before I forget 'em.
I did this while camping in Texas, where we actually had free Internet access at the campground.

Though there's Internet access on the ship, it costs a bundle per microsecond ... so I'll just wait till we get home (Dec 14) to stick the diary on my website.



  1. Does the ship have a public wireless LAN non-internet enabled server for passengers to allow them to use their wireless laptops to access the ship's server to exchange messages by posting to bulletin boards and get cruise info? (Similar to a local ship's "Craig's List")

    If not, they should seriously consider it.

  2. If they do, it ain't advertised :^(

    However, they've given us an e-mail account that requires an internet connection ... and associated fees !?

    We can also login to check our account
    ... to see how much we've spent on Bloody Marys :^)

    We also get a daily newsletter for the activities that day.

  3. I watched and enjoyed your short YouTube Cruise Video and noticed your brief appearance in it.

    It reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock's brief appearances in his films, lol.
