Monday, May 31, 2010


While flying back from our vacation, I was thinking about Pearson Correlation between pairs of stocks.
I never did like it much. There must be a better way, eh?
What I'd like to know is:
"If the stock X price goes up (or down), will stock Y go up (or down)?"
The usual measure of correlation don't do it.
Indeed, check out the following $1K investments:

See? Both stocks tend to move up/down together, eh?

So what "correlation" do you expect?
In fact, it's -1 (or, as some might say, -100% correlation).

That's because the usual correlation does not measure whether the stocks move up or down together.
It measures whether they move up or down relative to their mean return.

Do I care about their relationship to their mean return?

Okay, so I whip out a spreadsheet and consider a different kind of "comparison" between a pair of stocks -- one that'll measure whether their returns tend to be positive or negative together.

I'd also like to have this "fancy correlation" represented by a number between -1 and +1.
So I start thinking.
Then I realize that it seems so familiar.
Then I realize that I've done this before, here.

Then I realize that my senility is showing ... again!
Then I realize that I definitely need more sleep.
Must be the time difference and jet lag and all that cruise food ...

Note that, for the chart above, gSC = 79%


1 comment:

  1. How you like the sea life. Departing from Cameron, La today to take some workers off shore to jackup boat. Hope you are having a wonderful time. thanks for so many nice excel sheets. Got em all. Captain Donald(when I am not driving for a living).
