Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I got e-mail from Ron McEwan that mentioned a scheme that involved volume-weighted stock prices and a momentum indicator ... and it rang a bell.
I don't get too many ringing bells, these days.

Since I usually forget everything that's on gummy-stuff, I did a search and found Money Flow Index.

It does involve volume-weighting of stock prices.
Instead of P you use P*V.
It's also (somehow?) associated with "momentum".
I forget how ... **

Anyway, to make a long story short, I modified the spreadsheet to calculate the MFI for the DOW stocks and got this:

Click to enlarge.

Now I remember: MFI measures how often the daily "Money Flow" (as measured by P*V) is associated with increases in price. Over the past year, it's 56% of the time, for JPM (according to the chart).

If'n we use weekly prices over 5 years, we get this chart:

Click to enlarge.

MFI = 77% for DIS and GE has moved up from last place.

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