Thursday, August 12, 2010

eBooks (revisited)

Slowly, slowly
I convert gummy-stuff tutorials to .prc/Kindle eBooks:
Financial stuff

On an eBook forum (where I mentioned the financial stuff), I was asked "Why just Kindle?"
'course, the (correct) answer is that I'm too old, too tired and too lazy to do more.

I was also given some good advice:
"Put the images on a separate page, delete the greek ..."

Alas, I'm too old, too tired and too lazy ...



  1. hello peter,

    i came across your gummystuff excel-richards; excellent stuff just what i was looking for. well almost.

    i dont know vb so i cant work around it to do what i want. I seek help. Here.
    what i need is that the different sheets should be 'saved as' 'name of sheet.csv' every time the data is updated. Can i add a first column for date ( purely ficticious,like todays date for the latest data and the older data running at today date minus 1, 2 etc)Is the data newest to oldest? thats just what the charting pgme wants it to be.

    can u help? I know u've hung up your boots, but maybe a small tweek to the macro.

    thanks a lot


    eg. of the data format
    6/24/2013 5638.05 5640 5566.25 5590.25 6308.88
    6/21/2013 5639.9 5686.15 5616.85 5667.65 6697.18
    6/20/2013 5754.15 5755 5645.65 5655 7148
    6/19/2013 5805.75 5828.4 5777.9 5822.25 4643.17
    6/18/2013 5841.9 5863.4 5804.3 5813.6 4591.91
    6/17/2013 5820.4 5854.9 5770.25 5850.05 4560.84
    6/14/2013 5748.95 5819.4 5739.4 5808.4 5121.33
    6/13/2013 5709.35 5729.85 5683.1 5699.1 5462.45
    6/12/2013 5771.75 5792.9 5738.6 5760.2 5894.04
    6/11/2013 5848.75 5868.05 5780.35 5788.8 6695.57
    6/10/2013 5907.9 5931.65 5857.4 5878 4304.75
    6/7/2013 5900.05 5972.7 5871.3 5881 4888.65
    6/6/2013 5895 5956.55 5869.5 5921.4 4961.54
    6/5/2013 5908.3 5935.2 5883.7 5923.85 4691.39
    6/4/2013 5941.1 5981.6 5910.25 5919.45 4990.51
    6/3/2013 5997.35 6011 5916.35 5939.3 5702.24
    5/31/2013 6098.7 6106.25 5975.55 5985.95 7223.11
    5/30/2013 6072.15 6126 6072.15 6124.05 7794.82
    5/29/2013 6120.45 6125.05 6069.8 6104.3 5135.8
    5/28/2013 6086.35 6127.65 6055.4 6111.25 5481.14

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