Sunday, March 7, 2010

50 years

Last night was a special night.

Our kids had organized a very small dinner at a fabulous restaurant to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.

Heidi & I showed up and found dozens of friends and relatives had been invited ... hosted by our four children ... and Jay.

In addition to a thousand pictures (or more) that decorated the reserved room at the restaurant and a "bingo" game that involved questions about our lives, there was - can I call it a congratulatory "diploma"? - from Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Did I mention all the people who were there?
I think most of these guys came

... including some who flew in from Boston, New York, Bermuda and Japan !!
Mamma mia!



  1. Congratulations Peter and Heidi on your 50th anniversary! Thank you for sharing your joy with us. You are indeed fortunate to have so many well deserved friends and family.
